TONIES The Lion King, Disney
As a carefree lion cub, Simba can hardly wait to finally become king of the sacred land. His father Mufasa carefully prepares him for this role and teaches him about the eternal circle of life.
But Mufasa's cunning brother Scar has hatched a diabolical plot with the hyenas to usurp Simba's throne. He lures Mufasa into a deadly trap and Simba has to flee. On the run, he meets new friends - Timon and Pumbaa, who make his life worth living again and free from worries. With them, Simba lives carefree into the day until he meets his girlfriend Nala, who tells him about Scar's reign of terror. Simba has to decide between fun and duty...
Klaus Jepsen, Joachim Kemmer, Wolfgang Kühne, Rita Engelmann, Julius Jellinek, Frank Lorenz Engel, and many more.
Radio play with songs
Running time:
approx. 48 minutes
Age recommendation:
from 4 years
Booklet, instruction manual
Caution. Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Choking hazard. WLAN with